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Coach/Sponsor List

Derby North Middle School Coaches

Coaching Positions Last Name First Name
8th Boys Basketball Head Moore Terrence
7th Boys Basketball Head Osborn Joshua

8th Boys Basketball Asst.

7th Boys Basketball Asst.  Dowell Joshua
8th Girls Basketball Head McFarren Laura
7th Girls Basketball Head Hein Tanya
8th Girls Basketball Asst. Winger Danny
7th Girls Basketball Asst. Goble Courtney
Cross Country Head Sueper Alison
Cross Country Asst. Pinkerton Sam
8th Football Staff Chadwick Bryan
7th Football Head Barnhart Dallas
8th Football Asst. Hileman Rob
8th Football Asst. Randa Jackson
7th Football Asst.  LaBarge Garrett
7th Football Asst. Rorabaugh Matt
Soccer Coed Head Sueper Alison
Soccer Coed Asst. Francis Damon
Girls Tennis Head Gash Nathan
Girls Tennis Asst.  Hale Kiley
Boys Tennis Head Gash Nathan
Boys Tennis Asst. Hale Kiley
7th/8th Track Head Chadwick Bryan
Track Asst. Goble Derek
Track Asst. Goble Courtney
Track Asst. Petrisor Ashton
Track Asst. LaBarge Garrett
8th Volleyball Head Lavalle Jeri
7th Volleyball Head Bollig Jocelyn
8th Volleyball Asst. Phelps Megan
7th Volleyball Asst. Hein Tanya
7th/8th Wrestling Head Bernstorf Kendall
Boys Wrestling Asst. Gash Nathan
Girls Wrestling Gash Nathan
Band Baeten Abigail
Vocal Music Beard Rebecca
Orchestra Youssef Janine
Cheer Head Burger Brianna
Cheer Asst. LaRue Ashlee

Derby North Middle School Sponsors

Sponsor Positions Last Name First Name
Student Council Head Knight Courtney
Student Council Asst. Ambrose Kaitlyn

Drama Head

Casey Becky
Drama Asst.  Crouch Jordan
Robotics Club Head French Matt
Robotics Club Asst. French Matt
KAY Club







Scholars Bowl Head Casey Becky
Yearbook Rouse Joshua
National Junior Honor Society Casey Becky
Spelling Bee Sponsor Burger Bri
Math Relay's Sponsor Casey Becky
Boys and Girls Club Unit Director Shanahan Will

Derby North Middle School Admin/Other Contacts

Title Last Name First Name
Principal Smith Jeff
Assistant Principal Baerg Ginger

Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

Pernice Lee
Head Maintenance Idell Charlie
Activities Secretary Billman Jill